5 Inexpensive Bathroom Upgrade Ideas

5 Inexpensive Bathroom Upgrade IdeasBathrooms are an important functional component to your apartment, but they are also one of the most important spaces to dress up. Making a bathroom comfortable and inviting is not always easy to do. In apartments, where space is very important and making the best of that space is essential, you’ll want to make bathroom upgrades that really fit your unique needs. There are several steps you can take when upgrading residential apartments to make them more inviting and better suited for tenants or for your own apartment.

    • Focus on lighting first. A bright, brilliant bathroom is inviting. It says this space is clean. It is important to try to incorporate natural light when possible with a window. However, when this isn’t possible, focus on bathroom upgrades that offer more lighting.
    • Upgrade toilets and showers or tubs based on need. There’s no real value in replacing a toilet that is working just fine. However, the investment in a new shower or tub, perhaps one with a few upgrades and amenities, can really enhance this space. When it comes time to make these upgrades, invest in quality and high end features. They will last and provide years of benefit to you.
    • 5 Inexpensive Bathroom Upgrade IdeasStorage is critical in any bathroom. In apartments, look for the bathroom to offer a moderate to high level of storage. Bookshelves are a simple option for an open wall. Consider the addition of a storage cabinet behind the toilet. These are inexpensive upgrades that can give people the ability to put more away.
    • Switch out old cabinetry. A new cabinet for the sink may cost a few hundred dollars but it can make a marked difference in the style of the space. Older cabinets, especially those that are basic models are not only boring, but they may date the space quickly.
    • It is the single most important step you can take to upgrading a bathroom and it is the least expensive. Tiling should always be clean and grout sparkling. However, on surfaces where there is paint, upgrade to a scrubbable, high-quality paint to ensure long lasting use.

5 Inexpensive Bathroom Upgrade IdeasWhen you work with one of the best construction companies in New York City, you’ll be able to upgrade your apartment complex and those bathrooms with ease and within budget. It pays to know what options are available to you before you get started.

Call us today at 646.455.3321 to talk to us about your project!


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