The Importance of Upgraded Windows in Apartment Complexes

The Importance of Upgraded Windows in Apartment Complexes

The Benefits of Upgrading Windows

When upgrading, or renovating an apartment complex, one of the first investments to consider making is in the windows. The windows may not be your initially thought – after all, they may not seem like they impact the tenant’s quality of life. However, they can be one of the most beneficial upgrades you make for several reasons.


If you are planning to do any type of changes to your apartments, this is one of the areas both you and your tenants will benefit from right away. And, it does not have to be an expensive process either.

The windows surrounding your apartment complex will range widely in shape and size, but they generally are one of the most aesthetic components of the exterior of your
complex. From the inside, they are also an important tool to bringing natural light into your units and helping your tenants to feel like they are in a much larger space. But, if your windows are older or no longer functioning properly, they are a large detractor from your complex’s overall value. The benefits of upgrading are numerous:

    • The Importance of Upgraded Windows in Apartment ComplexesNewer windows reduce energy costs. In some cases, they can reduce your heating and cooling costs by 20 to 30 percent. Keep in mind that, no matter who pays the electric and heating bills, this is a cost savings not to overlook.
    • New windows can provide privacy while still allowing light into a space. This can give your tenants the security they need without having to worry about blocking out a view or limiting the amount of natural light in the space.
    • Upgrading windows can also mean reducing liability risks. Older, single pane windows are a security risk because tenants can break through them and fall. Newer products are more durable and can feature security glass for extra protection.
    • Upgrading windows can help to create more functional benefit to the tenants. Having the ability to easily open and close windows makes an apartment feel more like a home.
    • Come resale time, new windows add value to the property. This is an excellent way to get as much back in property value as you put into the new windows.

The Importance of Upgraded Windows in Apartment ComplexesTo find out if your apartment complex can benefit from upgrades to windows, call our New York City construction company. You’ll learn that this can be an excellent investment to make.


Call us today at 646.455.3321 to talk to us about your project!

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